We ask that you consider giving to support us financially in our work for the advancement of the Kingdom of God in the nations.
Your Partnership with us is part of your entitlement to eternal rewards and heavenly treasures through the work of this ministry – 1 Samuel 30:23 – 25, Ecclesiastes 4: 9 – 12. Your support will be rewarded by the Lord.
You can send your donations to any of the banking details below:
In South Africa:
Standard Bank of South Africa
Account Name: Israel Omiga Onoriobe
Account Number: 386930805
Branch: Milnerton
In the United States of America:
Bank of America
Account Name: Israel Omiga Onoriobe
Account Number: 291039163578
Branch: Illinois, Chicago
Routing Numbers:
081904808 (paper & electronic) or 026009593 (wires)
In Australia:
Westpac Bank (Australia)
Account Name: Israel Onoriobe
Account Number: 797277
BSB: 734195
Branch: Mackay
Swift Code: WPACAU2S
In Canada:
Bank of Montreal
Account Name: Israel Omiga Onoriobe
Account Number: 3949601
Transit number: 36992
Institution Number: 001
In Nigeria:
Zenith Bank (Nigeria)
Account Name: Israel Onoriobe
Account Number: 1001171320
Branch: Ekpoma
You can also send donations and financial support by Credit/Debit Card using our secured online PayPal Account by clicking on the DONATION botton at the bottom of this page.